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27 April 2023

BBC Radio 4 took to the streets of New Lubbesthorpe!

From left to right: Robin Pointon - Managing Director, Cliff Jones - Director, Becky Watson - Marketing and Communications Officer

Robin Pointon, Managing Director at GO Travel Solutions, and Peter Nathanail, Commercial and Operations Director at Vectare, featured on BBC Radio 4’s You and Yours episode on Wednesday 26th April 2023!

BBC Radio 4 took to the streets of New Lubbesthorpe to try out the NovusDirect bus service and ask residents about their first-hand experience using the service. This follows our latest announcement that bus use has doubled, and single car occupancy journeys are down 20% at the flagship development.

If you missed it, check it out here (31mins – 43mins): You and Yours - Supermarket Essential Ranges, New Estate Travel and Aesop - BBC Sounds

This forms part of the work of GO Travel Solutions for New Lubbesthorpe ( funded by the Drummond Trust.