Urban&Civic Wintringham St Neots Development
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Project manager:
John Keenan
Project Client:
Project Description
The Wintringham St Neots development is located east of St Neots, Cambridgeshire. It is bounded in the west by the main railway line between Peterborough, to the north, and London in the south. The northern boundary is the Cambridge Road and the eastern/southern boundary is the A428 (Cambridge Road). This development will comprise 2,800 new homes, two new primary schools, a District centre, 63,500m2 of employment floorspace and 9km of cycleways.
As a Master Developer, sustainability is at the heart of everything Urban&Civic do. Not only the Physical build, but the Social, Economic, Natural and Human aspects of sustainability. GO Travel Solutions (GTS) specialise in people engagement on sustainable forms of transport. In our role as Travel Plan Co-ordinator for Wintringham we will use a wide range of initiatives to encourage individuals to make a behaviour change and travel more sustainably. Working together with Urban&Civic and the residents, we can really make a difference to reduce the overall level of single occupancy vehicle (SoV) travel associated with the development.
What Special Values Will Go Travel Solutions Bring To The Project?
These are the areas where GTS will add value:
- Knowledge of the established public transport market and emerging new transport solutions such as Demand Responsive Transport (DRT)
- Experience of promoting sustainable transport to residents of new housing developments
- Passion for sustainable transport
- Provision of unique services, such as LocalGo, to promote sustainable transport to residents
- Existing partnerships with public transport operators
- Extensive experience of promoting Active Travel, especially cycling
GTS will explore various public transport options for Wintringham, including bus service provision, EV-Car club and e-bikes. The aim will be to provide a range of options that will meet the diverse needs of the new community. The focus will be on reducing the need for car ownership. This will be through providing a range of new sustainable travel options for residents, in parallel with using the LocalGo web-based solution to communicate and incentivise take-up of buses, trains, cycling and walking.
Cambridge County Council
Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority
Huntingdonshire District Council
St Neots Town Council

Client testimonial
"The promotion of sustainable transport is a vital part of creating sustainable and healthy places and communities, and Wintringham – with its proximity to St Neots and a mainline station just a short cycle away – provides real opportunities to ensure residents moving in choose cycle, walking or public transport options over their cars. We have and will continue to roll out the key infrastructure to support this from the first tree planted to the last brick laid. The role of activating that, and creating a culture of “car last, not car first” for travel choices requires strong partnership working and we are pleased to be working with GO Travel Solutions to help deliver our sustainable options for this exciting new community.”