Travel Planning Business Engagement in Leicester
Project manager:
John Keenan
Project Client:
Leicester City Council
What was the primary challenge or set of challenges facing the client? What was the business case for change?
The scheme aimed to reduce motor vehicle trips made by small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Leicester and encourage employees to travel by sustainable means of transport. This would help to improve the air quality, environment and the health of employees. This will be achieved by engaging with the businesses and offering employees information on the transport options available.
The challenge for Leicester City Council was identifying, contacting SME’s and then encouraging their staff to travel more sustainably.
What special value did Go Travel Solutions bring?
Go Travel Solutions specialises in using multiple methods to engage with local SME’s with less than 250 employees.
Go Travel Solutions is solely focused on the promotion and development of sustainable travel solutions for employers and communities.
Go Travel Solutions specialises in gathering survey information from employees by using an online survey platform that can be accessed from a laptop, tablet or mobile phone, but we will also use paper forms where it is appropriate (i.e. staff not based in an office environment). QR codes were also deployed to maximise survey take-up.
Leicester City Council chose to work with GTS because since our launch in 2008 we have:
Engaged with over 700 businesses
Reached an audience of 300,000 promoting sustainable travel
Won a number of awards, including "Finalist in Best Smarter Travel Innovation category" at Smarter Travel Awards (2018) and "Highly Commended for the Most Innovative Measure" by Travelwest (2017)
Been the lead agency for business engagement in Leicester for Leicester City Council for their Local Sustainable Transport Fund programme.
Go Travel Solutions used its extensive database of SME’s experience to engage with businesses using multiple methods to exceed the target for the project.
Go Travel Solutions engaged with 26 SMEs representing 544 employees and enrolled them in the project.
Client testimonial
“The work [Go Travel Solutions has] done has been exceptional. [They] have successfully engaged 26 businesses and contacted several others, [and] have increased awareness of sustainable modes of transport amongst employees”